Contract Management
SmartERP Platform has a comprehensive contract management module to support any business that has scheduled payments such as rental, annual maintenance contracts, monthly retainer, etc to organize the payment collection as well as renewal of contracts.
The contract module works in tandem with the sales module to facilitate automated creation of proforma, invoices and tracks its collection.

Contract scheduling
Whilst creating contracts, the system will help you in capturing basic contract details, contract dates and the payment schedules.

Automated Contract Drafting
SmartERP Platform can configure a predefined word template of your standard contract. Thus, when you capture the contract details, the system will help you to generate draft contracts on single click without having you to retyping your contract.

Stores Contract
As the contracts are signed, the contract with supported documents can be uploaded on the system so that the contract are digitally stored and it provides an opportunity for quick search when required.

Payment Reminders
System will remind you when the contract payments are due for collection. Further, it will facilitate creating proforma and sales invoices on a single click. The system will also help you in tracking payment collection against the sales invoices issued.

Renewals of Contracts
SmartERP Platform helps you in reminding the contract expiry, without having to worry about remembering the contract renewals. You will be notified via email as well as the system dashboard to provide you with the information on all the contracts due for renewals. Further, on a single click, system renews the contract with all the necessary information from the previous contract and new payment schedules.

Statutory Reports
The contract management module will generate reports for you according to templates that are required by the related legislations according to the format required such for basic financial statements such as balance sheet, profit and loss, trial balances and more.